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Atkinson Creek Culvert
Searchmont, Ontario

Fast installation solution mitigates flooding

By Ibrahim Nour Eldin, P.Eng.

Teranorth Construction & Engineering trusted in Power Precast Solutions to design, supply and deliver 30 metres (98 feet) of 5.0 m x 3.0 m (16.4 feet x 9.85 feet) precast concrete box culvert units as part of MTO 2019-5108 on Hwy 556 & 532 in the community of Searchmont, north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

The culvert project mitigates potential flooding at the road by allowing storm surges or heavy spring run-off to flow safely underneath. Box culverts can handle large flow volumes and loading capacities (depth of fill and live loading), and precast concrete construction will give the culverts a long-life span.

Power Precast Solutions provided 15 units with a weight of 27 tonnes each, along with a total of 64 custom stainless steel connection plates. One culvert was produced per day in the plant using special steel formwork. 

The culverts were installed in two phases to allow for one traffic lane to be open during construction. Each phase consisted of eight units which were offloaded and installed over an eight-hour period by the contractor.

Ibrahim Nour Eldin, P.Eng. is Operations Manager at Power Precast Solutions.

Photos courtesy of Power Precast Solutions 

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