Application for Student Membership

The Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advance the design, manufacture and use of structural, architectural and specialty precast concrete in Canada.

Membership Classification and Eligibility:
Any person who is enrolled in a recognized institute of higher learning, which curriculum is related to our industry activities.

Student Membership is a non-voting category of membership. Student members receive the CPCI Student Connection newsletter and have access to PDFs of new technical manuals, the latest industry R&D reports, as well as the CPCI Imagineering Magazine electronic link.

First Name:
Last Name:
College / University:
Program Name:
Student Email:

Optional: Share your personal contact info here to stay in touch with CPCI beyond graduation and have access to job postings, our Young Professional Mentorship Program, and more!

Personal Email:

Optional: Share your personal contact info here to stay in touch with CPCI beyond graduation and have access to job postings, our Young Professional Mentorship Program, and more!

As a condition of becoming a Member of CPCI, the applicant agrees to be bound by the By-Laws of the Institute and by any and all policies and procedures adopted by the Board of Directors. CPCI will not, under any circumstance, share your personal information with other individuals or organizations without your permission, including public organizations.

© CPCI 2012. All rights reserved.